Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Great Movie Ride - Disney Hollywood Studios - Orlando

The Great Movie Ride at Disney Hollywood Studios is a 22 minute excursion through the golden years of movie making.  A slow moving trolley shuttles you through a series of movie sets such as Dirty Harry, Wizard of Oz, Indiana Jones, Alien, and more.

It's hard to take pictures in this one because of the motion and the no flash policy.  I was able to get some good ones and some of my favorite characters and movies such as "Casablanca" were fascinating in life size and remarkable detail. The vehicle winds through the sound stage that has the front facade of Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.   There aren't great lines for several reasons.  The ride is a continuous one where the

cars hold 40-50 people at a time.  Also, the ride is on the lot directly behind the stage in the middle of the park.  We went there several times before we realized it was even back there.  Lesson 1:  Always get a park map as you enter the park.  They are printed in English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, etc.  So you can get lost in any language you like! No excuse unless you forget - which we did.

This is one the kids may not ask to go on but our kids loved it.  Even though many of the movies were made before they were born I was surprised that they knew almost all of what they saw.  They really found it entertaining and it's good to tear them away from the roller coasters for a while and mix it up a bit.  Look for this one when you visit.  I think you'll love it.